Pyramid Research recently came out with a report that includes projections for South Korea's communications market revenue through 2015. The accompanying bar chart (click on the graphic to see a larger version) summarizes their projections. Not surprisingly, fixed voice service is projected to decrease, while fixed VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol, as in Skype) is projected to increase significantly by 2015. Mobile data, the green portion of each bar, is projected to show the greatest increase through 2015. This segment of the market essentially refers to mobile use of the internet via Apple's iPhone, Android handsets and other devices. Of course, it include mobile use of Skype, which should come naturally to those who already use it as a fixed VOIP service on their computers at the office, in the home or elsewhere.
The main trend represented in the graphic included here is that
broadband internet is going mobile! I would be surprised if mobile data services don't grow even more than Pyramid predicts.